Corruption in Pinellas County


Corruption with in the Pinellas County Sheriff Office

Seems everywhere you look you can find stories of the corruption in Pinellas county. I use to think that stories like these were only in the movies. Now it seems that the Pinellas Counties powerful politicians, attorneries, and police are preying on the weak and helpless. My poor mother being left disabled by a horrible brain absess has been being harassed by the police for years.  They search our house regulately blaming her on my sisters horrible infliction, an addiction to drugs. Everywhere she turns they at try to charge her with a crime she hasn't committed. She is a poor, physically disabled women, whom will they pick on next.  I started this page up to see how many others are inflicted with cruel treatment by within Pinellas county. Please leave your stories on the blog page.


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corruption police force sheriff office pinellas county Florida Clearwater